Color reduction for knitting
Images, logos and photos usually have thousands of colors. In order to be knitted, the number of colors has to be reduced (and usually also the size).
This color reduction can be done offline, or in the Online Designer.

Start the Online Designer with desired product, then upload your image or logo with "Image" button top right in the Online Designer

The settings for the uploaded image can now be done in the image editor:

- Click the color buttons on the left to choose colors for color reduction. Photos work best if you pick a light, a medium and a dark color. If your logo has or should have blue in it, pick this color for the empty place with the "+" symbol. Tick boxes to switch colors on and off, it they should stay in the design, but not in this current element.

- Color reduction: pixeled or solid. Image will either be dithered, with pixeled look, or solid with mainly solid areas.

- Remove background: click the button to remove the background automatically. This works good if foreground / background is clearly defined, e.g. when using a portrait photo.

- Image settings: choose a preset, or use the rulers on the right, see how the uploaded image changes when you change settings. "High-contrast" and "boosted" is usually good for sharper edges and more contrast.

Size of the image on the product:
If scaled larger, more pixel / knitted stitches are available to display the image. Scale image up/down to see the difference. Detailed logos or photos should not be made too small, or they might not be recognizable anymore. Common question is if small text will be readable in the design. Zoom in the design, scale the image or text up and down and see if letters or small elements still can be recognized.

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