Although the shipment is on its way, the tracking may show for days or weeks
- status "pre-Shipment, origin post is preparing shipment"
- the last scan from a parcel center in Germany
The tracking for Post Standard and DHL packets is basic. So there is not a new status every few days.
This is especially true for oversea deliveries.
A new status will be shown when the shipment arrives in the destination country and the receiving Post company scans the shipment and forwards it in their system (US Postal Service, Canada Post etc).
"DHL eco" and "Post Standard" shipments
currently takes 3-4 weeks to arrive in the destination country
We offer "DHL eco" and "Post Standard" again as options for USA. Please note this is the cheapest and slowest delivery option still. It is not time definite. Once the order is sent out, shipping option cannot be changed anymore.
If you need faster delivery and better tracking, choose UPS or Fedex.