Design scarf: design & file specs

Create the design for your 2 color knit scarf directly in our Online Designer or use software like Photoshop. Please find all information on the file specs below.

Design scarf file format

File specs

To download a template you can open a design scarf in the Online Designer. Click on top right "Share design", then "Download". The downloaded PNG-file can be opened for example in Photoshop.

Start Online Designer

Color reduced design in Photoshop

Since you can only use 2 colors in the design scarf we recommend making your design in black and white. The colors later can be changed in the Online Designer.

Start a file in the correct pixel measurements of your desired size.

Design scarf color reduced

If you already have a design place it on the scarf.

You can draw already color reduced and pixel perfect with the pencil-tool. If you would rather use the brush-tool you have to color reduce the whole design in the end.

Click Image > Adjustments > Threshold in the top bar and choose the settings as you like.

Single pixels can be edited and corrected with the pencil-tool now.

Save the finished design as a png-8-file and check the file to be still color-reduced. Then you can upload the design to the online-designer and choose the colors you like.


The backside of the design scarf cannot be designed. The design from the front is displayed there mirror inverted, and the colors are swapped.

Design scarf backside


Scarves from 100% polyacrylic come out larger, because the yarn is high bulk. The template / design file has the same number of pixels / knitted stitches, no matter which material you choose.

  • Standard: ca. 175 x 25 cm (Acrylic: ca. 190 x 25 cm)
  • Kids: ca. 120 x 17 cm
  • Maxi: ca. 230 x 25 cm (Acrylic: ca. 250 x 25 cm)
ca. 175x25cm
100% Wool
ca. 230x25cm
* incl. tax, plus shipping